

始まりは坐禅会のご案内, 思いつくことを何でも書いていたら星空系に... Started with Zazen session info. now almost astrophotos. 시작이 참선회 안내, 이제 별하늘 사진들.

Zazen meditation session 2020

[日本語] [한국어] [Portugues]


Place: Shinko-san Fukuchiji Temple, Main hall (Another room with air-condition in winter season, Dec.-Mar.)

Date/time: Every month 2nd Sunday morning 6:00~ Morning zazen session, 2nd Wednesday evening 7:00~ Night zazen session

Concents: zazen, a brief chanting with the heart sutra (morning session), a little chatting, adjourn

* Optionally, after the night session, we may have sky watching with a telescope if the weather is good :-)

Please check the calender of our temple's schedule below.

(The schedule changes sometimes; be careful for a bit of irregularity:-)

Notice of changes: No change of schedule for a while.

*If you got truncated words, try clicking "予定リスト" (schedule list) in the right. (朝の坐禅会=morning zazen, 夜坐の会=night zazen)

Participating: Enter the main hall from the front entrance.

  • First timers: Please come 10min earlier and ask the monk in charge (sitting near the entrance in a monk robe). You'll get a guide and instruction.
  • Difficult to sit crossing legs?: You can do zazen on a chair.
  • If your legs pain or you need to leave for restroom etc., quietly join hands and bow, stand up and leave for a rest or do what you need.
  • Dress code?: Skirts, short pants, tank tops are not adequate. Long pants made of soft fabric are recommended, in which you can easily sit. Socks are not needed. We usually do not wear socks during zazen. Ladies' stockings might be slippery and not good for zazen.
  • Capacity: max. 10 people
  • Experienced people: You can sit longer or shorter according to your convenience.
  • Want to come?: Please contact us => [Inquiry] (Press "Send" after filling the form.) Or, call us at the phone number in the [Out temple ..] page=>[Our temple Shinko-san Fukuchiji (Japanese)] [Yakushi nyorai (Bhaisajyaguru Tathagata, the medicine buddha) pilgrimage guide (PDF)(Japanese)] (If you want a zazen session other than the scheduled ones, we can arrange!)

A little bit more description?

  • Advantages of morning zazen? Start your day or a new week with refreshed body and mind... Present youerself a while of calm isolation just for you before your family wakes up.... Of course, a family zazen experience is also welcome.
  • Advantages of night zazen? There might be a light specifically in the darkness of night... as you can see the deep sky stars only in the night, during that you dare turn your back to the sun light that shines even the air. Or, you hate getting up early? YOU are the master of night zazen!

  • "Zazen makes you better." An old practice method inherited down for 2400 years from the time of Buddha, embracing a power to change something. Give it a try!

  • Before beginning a busy day, or an evening when you are just sitting in front of a boring TV show, why don't you get a chance of an out-of-the-ordinary experience? A family zazen experience is also welcome!

For reference => How to zazen (Soto school web site)(Japanese)... Do not hesitate, but "Just try sitting~".
