[English description is in the below ↓↓↓]
Windowsのテキストエディタで昔好んで使っていたが, 当時Unicode対応でなく韓国語が使えなかったのと, Unicode化された新しい版は無料じゃなくなったり何か有料/無料のポリシーが変動したり(?)で使わなくなっていた.
韓国で仕事するようになり, 学生たちが定番のテキストエディタを持っていないらしい(私の世代から見ると技術系学生としては考えられないが...)のを知り, 再び定番として国際的におすすめできるエディタをいろいろ探す. notepad++とかjeditとかサクラエディタなど試すがどうも今ひとつ使いやすくない. (高機能なんだろうが設定項目が多すぎて..)
ふと気づくと, EmEditorのFree版(個人利用限定)がいつの間にか復活している. 30日試用期間後にProfessional版を購入しなければFree版になるらしい. 強制的にFree版にdowngradeも可能だということで, また使い始めた. 使ってみるとインストール段階から表示は英語になるしglobalにおすすめできるようだ.
* Free版へのダウングレード
Tools => Quick Launch, "free" => Run this command
これで簡素なFree版にダウングレードされる. それでも充分強力. (Alt+マウスドラッグで矩形領域選択)
It is a text editor on Windows that I used to favor. However it was basically a Japanese/ASCII editor and did not support Unicode completely at that time, and I had a problem with Korean texts.
Eventually I quit using it because a new Unicode version was not free, and the free/charged license policy changed several times.
After I came to Korea, I saw students do not have their favorite text editors (from my eyes, it was unbelievable as students in technical fields) and began to seek for a simple and powerful enough text editor that can be recommended globally. I tried notepad++, jedit, sakura editor and so on .... without a hit. (they may be highly functionable but have too complicated setting items..)
One day, I saw a web article that EmEditor Free is available again and made a try on it. The downloaded file is a 30 days free evaluation version and it prompts purchace of the Professional version or stay on the Free version (for personal use only). Also, it can be forced to downgrade to the Free version (with a simpler outlook).
The recent version is completely internationalized and I can recommend it globally.
It hardly appears on web sites such as "... best text editors" or the like in Japan or internationally, though...
* Downgrading to the Free version
Tools => Quick Launch, "free" => Run this command,
then, it down grades to the simple free version for personal use, which is still very powerful. (Alt + mouse drag: block selection)