

始まりは坐禅会のご案内, 思いつくことを何でも書いていたら星空系に... Started with Zazen session info. now almost astrophotos. 시작이 참선회 안내, 이제 별하늘 사진들.

気まぐれ"テクノロジー" ("Technology" just upon a flash in mind)

先日ふと思い立って(こういうのを気まぐれというのだろう) Technology というカテゴリを作って長年使ってるオープンソース(フリー)のプロットソフトのパッチを公開した. お寺関係の案内やできごとを記す媒体としてこのブログを始めたのだが, 突然関係無さそうな記事がしかも英語で出てきて意味プーだと思われる向きが多かろう(いるのかな?)が, 全く気にはしていない.

最近はFacebookをはじめSNSなるものがいろいろあって, 仲間内に状況を知らせるには便利なのだが, そればっかりでは特定のSNSに共に参加していない関係者とは相対的に疎遠になってしまう危機感を感じる.

ブログは不特定多数の目に触れるわけなので, 書くことにいちいち気を遣うが, そんなわけで, Facebookじゃない人々の目にも触れて忘れられないようにしておこうという魂胆だ.

ということで, とにかく公開の媒体がこれだけなので公開したいものはどれこれ区別なく何でもでてきてしまうのだ :-)

The other day, I suddenly added a category "Technology" and put a patch for a long used open source (free) plotting tool (such behavior might be called "kimagure", like just a flash in mind). This blog is originaly for notification and diary of events for the temple activities. And, such a thing came up completely out of context. Many (if exist) would feel quite puzzled. Anyway, I do not care much.

Now a days, many kind of so called SNS, like Facebook, are available and they are useful for keeping contacts with people in those specific societies. However, I feel a concern that I am becoming, relatively, remote with people out of such networks.

Though blog is completely open and I necessarily become very careful about what to write, that situation pushed me open this site to keep presence in eyes of people not in Facebook.

This is the only open medium for me, and, therefore, I am just throwing anything I want to share publicly into here, no care on this and that :-)